Top 40 Blockbuster ever

video - top 10 francize de film

  1. Stapanul inelelor: Fratia inelului / Lord Of The Rings: The Fellowship Of The Ring

  2. Gladiator

  3. Razboiul stelelor / Star Wars

  4. Et: The Extra Terrestrial

  5. Piratii din Caraibe: Blestemul Perlei Negre / Pirates Of The Caribbean: Curse Of The Black Pearl

  6. Grease

  7. Falci / Jaws

  8. American Beauty

  9. Zbor deasupra unui cuib de cuci / One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest

  10. Intalnire de gradul III / Close Encounters Of The Third Kind

  11. Ziua Independentei / Independence Day

  12. Billy Elliot

  13. Titanic

  14. Salvati soldatul Ruyan / Saving Private Ryan

  15. The Full Monty

  16. In cautarea lui Nemo / Finding Nemo

  17. Harry Potter si piatra filosofala / Harry Potter And The Philospher's Stone

  18. Jurassic Park

  19. Oceans Eleven

  20. Shrek 2

  21. Misiune imposibila / Mission Impossible

  22. The Matrix Reloaded

  23. Spionul care mi-a tras-o / Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me

  24. Calender Girls

  25. Monsters Inc.

  26. Dumnezeu pentru o zi / Bruce Almighty

  27. American Pie 2

  28. The Lion King

  29. I, Robot

  30. Robin Hood, printul hotilor / Robin Hood Prince Of Thieves

  31. Chicken Run

  32. Omul paianjen / Spiderman

  33. Saturday Night Fever

  34. X-men 2

  35. Minority Report

  36. Hannibal

  37. Superman

  38. Babe

  39. 007 / Die Another Day

  40. 101 Dalmations


  1. [...] Top 40 Blockbuster ever 04.03.2009 | Author: hrnicu | Posted in Stapanul inelelor: Fratia inelului / Lord Of The Rings: The Fellowship Of The Ring Gladiator Razboiul stelelor / Star Wars Et: The Extra Terrestrial Piratii din Caraibe: Blestemul Perlei Negre / Pirates Of The Caribbean: Curse Of The Black Pearl Grease Falci / Jaws American Beauty Zbor deasupra unui cuib de cuci / One Flew Over The Cuckoo’s Nest Intalnire de gradul III / […] Vezi tot articolul [...]


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