World's Best Movies: Capodoperele cinematografului mondial
video - filemele cu cele mai mari incasari inainte de 2020
Filme ce nu pot fi ratate de un cinefil:
- Crash
- Breaking The Waves
- Schindler's List / Lista lui Schindler
- Pulp fiction
- Apocalypse Now / Apocalipsa acum
- Pirates of the Caribbean - The Curse of the Black Pearl / Piratii din Caraibe - Blestemul Perlei negre
- Doctor Zhivago
- A Streetcar Named Desire / Un tramvai numit dorinta
- Butch Cassidy and Sudance Kid
- Cei 7 samurai
- For a Few Dollars More / Pentru cativa dolari in plus
- The Big Sleep
- Chicago
- Ajutoare umanitare
- Hamlet / 1948
- Charlie Wilson War / Razboiul lui Charlie Wilson
- Quo Vadis / 1951
- Kill Bill vol. 2
- Ran
- Les quatre cents coups / Cele 400 de lovituri
- City of God / Orasul Zeilor / Cetate de Deus
- Amores perros / Dragoste de caine
- Lawrence of Arabia
- One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest / Zbor deasupra unui cuib de cuci
- The Good, The Bad, The Ugly / Bunul, Raul si Uratul
- The Pianist / Pianistul
- Gangs of New York / Gastile din New York
- Gladiator / Gladiatorul
- Fellowship of the Ring / Fratia inelului
- The Two Towers / Cele doua turnuri
- The Return of the King / Intoarcerea regelui
- Schlindler's List / Lista lui Schindler
- Underground
- The Fisher King / Regele pescar
- In the name of the Father / In numele tatalui
- The Deer Hunter / Vanatorul de cerbi
- Requiem for a Dream / Recviem pentru un vis
- The Fall
In apropierea capodoperei, filme de neuitat (obligatorii pentru un cinefil) mai sunt:
Fistfull of dollars, Eternal Sunshine Of The Spotless Mind, Enemy at the gates, The Godfather, The Godfather II, Arizona Dream, Once upon a time in the west, Filantropica, Forest Gump, Platoon, La vita e bella, El labirinto del Fauno, Morometii, Kingdom of Heaven, The Shawshank Redemption, Se7en, Rain Man, Volver, Le Fabeleux destin D'Amelie Poulain, Hotel Rwanda, L.A. Confidential, Babel, The Elephant Man, Les aventures de Rabbi Jacob, Apocalypto, 4 luni, 3 saptamani si 2 zile, I Am Legend, Troy, Bitter Moon, The Reader s.a.
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